Meal Plan 57 - A Kid-Friendly Week

Grocery List:
The grocery list is color coordinated by meal so you can easily pick and choose which meals you would like to make. Either print and use the grocery list as is and make all the meals I have planned, or easily cross off the meals and corresponding ingredients you would rather not make.
Good Monday morning to you! We had a winter storm here last night so everything is covered in snow, the kids are bundled up in their pj's with blankets watching a movie, and I'm sipping on my second cup of coffee. I kind of love a snow day when I don't have to go anywhere :) The lazy morning and lack of distraction means I can post a new meal plan for you.
It got me thinking when I posted about not catering to my kids tastes when I meal plan; I wonder what it would be like if I planned a whole week of meals that my kids love? Probably peaceful! Haha. So that's what I'm bringing to you this week. While you or your kids may not enjoy the same things mine do, I think it's a pretty kid friendly meal plan all around. Enjoy!
Day 1: Smoked Cheddar Stuffed Burgers and Fries
If you ask my kids "what do you want to eat?" they shout in unison "Burgers and Fries! Burgers and Fries!" This recipe is great because you make more burgers than you need and use the leftovers to get a head start on day 2 and day 3's suppers.
Day 2: Pizza Grilled Cheese and Vegetable Beef Soup
Grilled cheese and soup go so well together! Make a quick beef and vegetable soup with leftover burgers from the night before and your kids will love these pizza grilled cheese sandwiches.
Day 3 : Spaghetti and Meatballs with Ceasar Salad
A super quick and easy meal. I remember when I made it for my family and there was not ONE SINGLE COMPLAINT, and I thought "I need to make meals like this more often." And it's super quick and easy too.
Day 4 : Buffalo Chicken Taquitos with Cilantro Lime Rice and Veggies with Dip
My kids love finger food and dipping things in ranch dressing, so these taquitos and veggies with dip are perfect. Leave out the cilantro and lime in the rice for a buttery kid-friendly rice side dish.
Day 5: Broccoli Sausage Rotini
Do your kids love broccoli like mine do? I think cooked broccoli is the favorite veggie around this house, and when you combine it with flavorful sausage and pasta, everyone goes wild.
For more meal plan ideas, check out my complete list of meal plans or check out Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.
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