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Easy Roasted Vegetable and Sausage Bake

Earlier this year, when I was working as a teacher full-time, life was ridiculously hectic.  When it came time to make dinner I had no energy or desire to cook and often made the easiest thing I possibly could (frozen pizza anyone?).  This recipe was born out of that time.  

It's not even a recipe really...more of a method.  You could add any different combination of vegetables, herbs and sausage here based on your family's likes and what you have on hand.  I usually just search through the fridge and pantry and see what needs to be used up and then toss it all in the roasting pan.  

And when I say easy, I mean EASY!  Easy to prepare, easy to get dinner on the table and easy to clean up.  Low effort all around.  

Recipe by Meal Planning 101

Serves 4

5-6 medium potatoes, cut into 1 inch chunks
1 cup mushrooms, cut in half
1 red pepper, cut into 1 inch chunks
1 clove garlic, minced
1-2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
Your favorite seasoning or fresh herb 
1 lb chicken apple sausage (or your favorite)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

In a large roasting pan, add the potatoes and whatever vegetables you are choosing to use.  Add the garlic, oil and herb or seasoning and toss to coat.  Place in the oven and roast for 25-30 minutes.

Remove from oven and place the sausages on top of the veggies.  Drizzle with a little bit of oil and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until the sausages are cooked.

*Veggies you could use:
  • sweet potatoes
  • carrots
  • celery
  • fennel
  • onions
  • squash
  • zucchini
*Seasoning you could use:
  • Herb and garlic
  • Greek
  • Montreal chicken spice
  • anything you have in your cupboard!
*Fresh herbs you could use:
  • thyme
  • rosemary
  • parsley or chives sprinkled on at the end
*Sausages you could use:
  • Sweet or Hot Italian sausages
  • English style bangers
  • Turkey Cranberry sausages
  • Honey Garlic sausages (like Jamie tried)



I love this recipe for so many reasons:
  1. It tastes great.
  2. It's stupidly easy - chop some veggies, throw them in the oven, add sausage.  Done.
  3. It's low effort - it takes 5 minutes to prepare. 
  4. Easy clean up - you only have to use one cutting board, one knife and one roasting pan so it's low effort and easy clean up when the meal is over.
  5. No special trips to the store - use what you have.
I've tried this recipe so many different ways, always just using up what I have on hand.  For example, if I have a recipe with fresh rosemary on my meal plan that week, I'll chop up some fresh rosemary and add it.  If I go to the store looking for chicken apple sausages but sweet italian sausages are on sale, I'll get those instead to use in this recipe.  It's so flexible!  

Meal Ideas:
The point of this recipe is that your whole meal is in one roasting pan. So go ahead and eat this just as it is, all by itself and you've got your starch, protein and veggies all in one.  If you've got more time or want to add a little more to it, stick with something simple:

  • Easy Roasted Vegetable and Sausage Bake + a green veggie (broccoli, asparagus, peas, beans)
  • Easy Roasted Vegetable and Sausage Bake + a salad

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