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New Blog Domain

Hey Guys!

Just wanted to drop in this morning and tell you a couple of quick things:

1.  I have OFFICIALLY switched my domain name to! Well, I didn't switch it, but a very talented friend did.  I've owned this domain for a few years, so it really was about time I made the move.  (Fingers crossed) all the links and feed reader should automatically redirect from to, but do update your bookmarks.  Please email me: kindrabirss AT hotmail DOT com or comment on this post if you are having any issues.

2. I've been working on a new Recipe Index so you can see them visually.  This should be easier to navigate, and easier to pick recipes you want to try.

3. Hopefully in the next bit, my very talented website developer friend Joel Funk will be making some more changes around this place!  I've wanted a facelift for a long time and can't wait to see what he comes up with.  Anything specific you'd like to see?

That's all for now!

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