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Top 10 Recipes of 2010

I realize this post is seriously late.  Beyond late.  Sickness just keeps running rampant through my house and I've been kept on my toes putting out all the fires.  I had great intentions this year right after Christmas to wrap up my cookbook review of Great Food Fast, to post my favorite recipes of the year and to possibly introduce some new features.  Didn't happen.  And the longer I didn't post, the more I kept procrastinating posting.  So I'm jumping into the deep of the pool today, and even though it's a late post I'm doing it anyway!

I went through and chose our Top 10 favorite recipes of last year.  These ones are some of my all time favorites and I wanted them together in one place.  Enjoy browsing and I promise I'll be back soon with some real posts :)

This curry has an amazing combination of hot, sweet and tangy flavors.  It's incredibly delicious.

These burgers have fresh flavors and are a great take on the traditional burger.


These tacos are so scrumptious and ridiculously easy to make.
This is by far my favorite potato salad EVER.

Try this.  You'll absolutely go crazy for it.  I could eat this every week.

This make at home take out has all the flavors you love.  Besides my Slow Cooker Butter Chicken this was my most viewed recipe last year...and with good reason.

I was so proud of myself to figure out how to make these at home!  I never order these at restaurants anymore because I can do a better job at home.

Our whole family loves these.  They got great reviews on Facebook from readers as well.

This soup is quick easy, and with so few ingredients I'm always amazed that it delivers such big flavor.  

P.S.  There's also something else I forgot to tell you!  Remember when I told you my husband's song made it to Top 6 in Canada?  They totally won first place!!  Thank you to everyone who voted! 

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