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Tap, tap, this thing on?

Thank you all for being so dang patient with me in this new endeavor in my life (for those of you that don't know I became a preschool teacher). My days are filled with making egg carton spiders, playing in the sand, stories and songs without much time leftover for cooking and blogging. But you are all being so encouraging and wonderful and I thank you for that. I've gotten lovely emails from people that miss this ol' blog of mine....thank you. Your words are encouraging and it's nice to be missed. I'm going to try to visit here more often and actually post more regularly (fingers crossed!) I thought I'd let you know a few of the housekeeping things:

1. If you commented in the last month, I FINALLY commented back. Check it out if you were waiting for an answer.

2. All the recipes have been updated to include a "Print this recipe" link. It is a simple text version minus all the graphics that is easy to print and use when you are cooking.

3. I will try to get to all the other posts you've been waiting for: Sweet Potato & Black Bean Enchiladas, Chicken Flautas, Thai Coconut Chicken Noodle Soup, and I have quite a few fun dinner parties to post one of them being my birthday from July that my friend Tara not-so-subtly emails me about and reminds me that I haven't posted it yet :)

Thanks again everyone!

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